History of Diamond Engagement Ring You Want to Know

Sep 25,2023

Did you know? The history of engagement rings can be traced back to ancient times, but the first true engagement ring didn't appear until the 15th century. Engagement rings weren't always symbols of love, nor were they always adorned with diamonds. As times and cultures changed, engagement rings gradually evolved into the form we know today. While their origins and history are intricate, understanding the key milestones provides a clear picture. Now, join Darry Ring to explore the must-know facts about the history of engagement rings!

1. Origin of Engagement Rings

When it comes to when engagement rings start, it is commonly believed to have originated in ancient Rome. At that time, rings were often made of ivory, flint, bone, copper, and iron. They symbolized a marital contract or subordination to the husband, rather than the romantic expression of love today.

It is said that Roman brides would often receive two rings: a gold ring to wear in public and an iron ring to wear at home for household duties. This practice reflected the different roles and responsibilities of women in both public and private spheres. The discovery of gold rings in the ruins of Pompeii also supports the notion that gold engagement rings emerged quite early in history.

Ancient Engagement Ring

2. First Official Definition

As time progressed into the Middle Ages, the history of engagement rings became more closely linked to law and religion. In the late Visigothic kingdom, engagements was officially recognized by the government. " That when the ceremony of betrothal has been performed... and the ring shall have been given or accepted as a pledge, although nothing may have been committed to writing, the promise shall, under no circumstances, be broken." This was recorded in the Visigothic Code.

Similarly, around 850 AD, based on the GIA, Pope Nicholas I declared that this ring represented a man’s intention to marry. At this time, gold rings were commonly used as engagement rings.

Engagement Ring Official Definition

3. First Diamond Engagement Ring

The first diamond engagement ring appeared in 1477, when Archduke Maximilian of Austria gave it to Mary of Burgundy as a proposal. Although the exact carat weight is not recorded, this ring, made of diamond instead of traditional materials like iron, gold, or silver, marked the beginning of diamond engagement ring history. It also established diamonds as a symbol of wealth and status in engagement rings.

First Diamond Engagement Ring

4. Gimmel Ring and Poise Ring

The Gimmel ring, originated in the 14th century, is a traditional piece of jewelry made up of two or more interlocking bands, symbolizing unity and commitment. The Posy ring, popular in England and France from the 15th to the 17th century, features a short poem or phrase engraved on the band. It expressed love, devotion, or friendship, and was often exchanged between lovers as a token of affection.

Both of these classic rings are associated with love and commitment. While they cannot be directly considered predecessors to engagement rings, they have left a significant mark on the history of engagement rings, particularly in terms of the meanings modern engagement rings convey.

Gimmel Ring and Poise Ring

5. Rise of Diamond Engagement Rings

Around 1840, diamond engagement rings were introduced to the United States. Before World War II, however, platinum and gold were the primary choices for engagement rings, and people paid little attention to diamond shapes or ring designs.

It wasn't until 1947, when De Beers launched the iconic slogan "A Diamond Is Forever," created by Frances Gerety, that everything changed. By promoting sparkling diamonds worn by movie stars, De Beers successfully positioned diamonds as symbols of love and commitment, leading to a surge in sales of diamond engagement rings.

A Diamond is Forever Marketing

6. Modern History of Engagement Rings

In recent years, diamond styles have become mainstream for engagement rings, with a growing diversity in band designs and material choices. Each year brings new trends. Each year brings new trends. Consumer attitudes are also shifting, with a greater emphasis on personalized designs and ethically sourced gemstones. Additionally, more men are now wearing engagement rings. It is the result of the rise of gender equality values and the jewelry industry's marketing efforts under the concept of "man-agement ring".

Men Wear Engagement Ring


From the simple bands symbolizing contracts in ancient civilizations to today's dazzling diamond rings, the history of engagement rings has come a long way. While times and styles have changed, the emotional significance has remained constant.

At Darry Ring, each engagement ring is more than just a piece of jewelry; it's a unique vow. That's why it upholds the brand value of "Buy for One Person in a Lifetime" and innovatively requires customers to purchase with their ID. This design philosophy imbues each engagement ring with a deeper emotional imprint, making it an eternal witness to two hearts' unwavering devotion and mutual reliance. Thus, purchasing from Darry Ring ensures that every lover can offer a once-in-a-lifetime promise of true love.

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